Jobs For Life
Community of Hope facilitates a Jobs for Life class in the Garner, NC area. If you are interested in a class, please see below. If you are interested in more information about the Jobs for Life organization CLICK HERE.
Jobs for Life is a training program that will inspire, guide and equip the unemployed and the underemployed to find and retain meaningful jobs. Jobs for Life training provides the ability to connect to and care for root issues of the heart and provides practical building blocks to healthy character. Through a strategy that combines work readiness training with Biblical principles, and volunteer mentoring, Jobs for Life teaches key workplace essentials to finding and keeping a job with training topics like:
- Attitude
- Respect for Authority
- Conflict Resolution
- Taking Responsibility
- Teamwork
- Perseverance
- Effective Communication
- Integrity
- Excellence
- Vocational Planning
- Job Search Techniques
- Building a Resume
- Interviewing Skills
- Customer Satisfaction
Jobs for Life will hold multiple sessions during the year. A class schedule with dates and times is provided to students at registration. Community of Hope Ministries is committed to making it possible for you to take Jobs for Life classes. We are currently offering in-person classes as well as remote classes through Zoom.
What is required to graduate from the Jobs for Life class?
- Complete all lessons in the curriculum
- Complete a personal vocation plan and resume
- Attend at least 13 of the 16 classes
- Make up any class missed by completing the lesson and demonstration knowledge of the material
- Embody the principles taught in the class
- Receive the approval of the site leader class relations leader and his/her Champion that the student is ready to work

When I graduate, does that mean I get a job?
No, we are not promising that you will get a job when you graduate. That will be up to you!!! However we can promise you that you will be better prepared than ever before to enter the workforce. We will promise that you will have a resume ready for distribution. You will know the do’s and don’ts for future job interviews. And you will have the support and encouragement of someone currently employed in the Garner area who will lead, guide, and direct you as you conduct your search. Most importantly you will be prayed for throughout the time that you take the class and as you search for meaningful employment.

How do I know if “Jobs for Life” is for me?
Are you…
- Currently unemployed OR underemployed?
- Willing to make necessary changes in your life to find and keep a job?
- Capable of work?
- Committed to working or improving your current job situation?
- Willing to work honestly with a Jobs for Life Champion/Mentor?
- Willing to commit to meeting Jobs for Life graduation requirements?
If you answered yes to these question, Jobs for Life is for you!