Community of Hope Ministries has run a highly successful tutoring based After School Program since 2004. Our after school program is for 1st-5th grade students who are below grade level in math and reading and come from families who have financial challenges to provide for tutoring. We partner with eight Garner area schools to identify students for our program.
Students at the After School Program are engaged in hands on learning. Every day we work towards the program’s goals of helping students increase their faith while watching math and reading scores increase.
We use resources designed specifically for our program that lines up with the Wake County Public School System standards to reinforce concepts that are being taught in class.

Each day, students are retaught concepts through fun activities. Our goal is to help them understand the concepts in a fun and exciting way. While there typically is time for students to start on their homework at our program, we are not a homework program. We focus on reteaching concepts so that the students can master them and be able to complete their work on their own. In our program, students are in small classes and receive group instruction. We do not provide one-on-one tutoring.

What parents are saying about our program:
“My son not only made growth academically, but the program helped him and I make growth as mother and son. He began making leaps and bounds in school and as a young man. Community of Hope supported him tremendously. He has almost made honor roll in middle school, and that accomplishment once seemed unreachable. It takes a village and Community of Hope is a part of my village. This program truly changed our lives.”
After School Parent“All the staff and volunteers stepped right up to the plate to go above and beyond to ensure that my daughter was on a road to success. She came home every day excited about reading and learning. Community of Hope not only allows her to believe in herself, but also, they assist in instilling Christ based values into her life. She is reminded that we serve a God much bigger and greater than any academic struggle – through Him she can attain anything!”
After School ParentOur after school programs picks up students from the following schools:
Aversboro Elementary
Bryan Road Elementary
Creech Road Elementary
East Garner Elementary
Rand Road Elementary
Smith Magnet Elementary
Timber Drive Elementary
Vandora Spring Elementary
To qualify for our after school program students must be below grade level in reading and/or math and qualify for free or reduced lunch.
Interested in our after school program?
Click below to start the application process.