With 9 different ministries, there are many ways for you to serve the Lord at Community of Hope! See some examples below and use the form to reach out to us and get started.
- Volunteering to be a mentor in our Jobs for Life job skill readiness program
- Volunteering to mentor one of the children in our after school program
- Reading with one of our students for 30 minutes a day –one day a week
- Planning a Fun Friday activity for our after school students
- Hosting a food drive for our food pantry (at your church, in your neighborhood, at work)
- Challenging your co-workers to host food drives in individual neighborhoods
- Designating Community of Hope Ministries as your preferred agency in your company’s United Way Campaign
- Volunteering in our food pantry on Tuesdays or Thursdays mornings
- Driving to pick up food for our pantry
- Participating as an individual or church in a community improvement event as a part of our Carpenter’s Hands program – painting/building/cleaning/etc.
- Joining our Carpenter’s Hands team completing projects yearlong
- Cooking lunch for our summer campers one day of the summer so that we can reallocate those dollars to offer a one week scholarship for a camper
- Donating funds to our summer camp scholarship fund (about $1000 per camper per summer)
- Supporting our free, after school tutoring program with operational dollars so that we can continue to offer free transportation for our students and teachers in our classrooms
- Working in our Garden of Hope to provide for, plant and maintain sustainability (fertilize,
water, harvest) of the vegetables we grow - Adopting a family in need during the holiday season
- Inviting us to speak at your churches or civic club organizations
- Connecting us to other people who might be willing to support our efforts
- Contributing to our general operating budget
If you or your company would like to volunteer at Community of Hope, please fill out the form below and select the ministry you would like to volunteer with.